Washington state gsa contracts

Under RCW 39.34.030, local government agencies may use another public agency's active contract for purchases of products, services, or public works, a process known as “piggybacking.”

Local government agencies piggyback on contracts awarded by “host” agencies, allowing the piggybacking agencies to save time and obtain better prices and terms than they might be able to on their own.

What Is a “Public Agency”?

The “host” agency may be any other local government, state agency, federally recognized tribe, or public purchasing cooperative. The host agency may be located anywhere in the United States and is not limited to Washington State.

However, both the host agency and the piggybacking agency must meet the definition of “public agency” in RCW 39.34.020:

[A]ny agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government of this state including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, quasi municipal corporations, special purpose districts, and local service districts; any agency of the state government; any agency of the United States; any Indian tribe recognized as such by the federal government; and any political subdivision of another state.

While this definition includes federal agencies, there is a separate statute (RCW 39.32.090) authorizing purchases from the federal government and exempting such purchases from bidding, as discussed below.

Piggybacking on Individual Public Agency Contracts

To piggyback on an individual local or out-of-state public agency’s contract, the host agency and the piggybacking agency must sign an interlocal agreement and file it with the county auditor or post it online by subject (RCW 39.34.040). The interlocal agreement must be in place with the host agency before the piggybacking agency can access the contract.

The host agency must comply with its own statutory contracting requirements and post the solicitation online (RCW 39.34.030(5)(b)), and the vendor must agree to the arrangement through the initial solicitation documents.

The host agency assumes no responsibility for orders placed by other agencies.

Piggybacking on State Contracts

Local governments may piggyback on contracts awarded by the State of Washington by signing a one-time contract usage agreement at no cost (see RCW 39.34.030 and, for the Department of Enterprise Services, RCW 39.26.050). Participating agencies gain access to hundreds of state contracts.

For more information, including lists of organizations with current contract usage agreements, instructions on submitting a contract usage agreement, and information on how to search for state contracts, see the Department of Enterprise Services' page How to Use Statewide Contracts.

Piggybacking on Cooperative Contracts

To piggyback on national or state cooperative contracts, the piggybacking agency must first verify that the host agency meets the statutory definition of a “public agency” in RCW 39.34.020. Purchasing cooperatives can take various forms; some cooperatives meet the statutory definition of a “public agency,” while others award contracts through different entities that might not be considered public agencies.

The piggybacking agency must complete the membership application for the cooperative, as this potentially meets the requirements of RCW 39.34.030. Each specific membership agreement is different, so consider consulting with your legal counsel to ensure it satisfies all the requirements of chapter 39.34 RCW.

The host agency must comply with its statutory contracting requirements and post the solicitation online (RCW 39.34.030(5)(b)), and the vendor must agree to the arrangement through the initial solicitation documents.

Purchasing from Federal Contracts

A separate statute authorizes local governments to purchase various supplies, materials, and equipment from federal contracts (RCW 39.32.090). This is not technically considered “piggybacking” as such purchases are exempt from bidding and are not subject to RCW 39.34.030.

Local governments could consider using many federal contracts administered by the General Services Administration (GSA). This includes:

For more information, see GSA’s page on State and Local Governments.

Before purchasing off a federal contract, the local legislative authority (council or board of commissioners) must adopt a one-time ordinance or resolution authorizing such purchases. For example, see:

Practice Tips

Below is some practical guidance to help public agencies meet the requirements in state law and create successful opportunities for piggybacking.

Practice Tips for Local Government Host Agencies

Practice Tips for Piggybacking Agencies

Examples of Piggybacking Agreements and Documents

For sample documents related to interlocal procurement and piggybacking, see the following:

Recommended Resources