Samples of our Free Bible Study Lessons

These hands-on free Bible study lessons and Ebooks were written and created as part of ongoing ministries. Most are ones we personally created and have used along the way in helping others know God through His Word and His world around us while others are being shared freely by our friends and coworkers for His Kingdom. These free Bible study lessons teach basic Bible truth and Biblical facts that are applicable to our daily lives and living out our faith in Jesus right where He has placed us.

Just like the dandelion seeds being carried off by the wind as in this photo, the seeds of God's Word should be carried through our lives to others. In various parables Jesus talked about us planting seeds. We plant and water, but it is ultimately God Who gives the growth. Here at Creative Bible Study, we want to plant and water and allow God to bring the growth in our life and in yours and in the lives of others. May others see Jesus in us.

A Few New Lessons for kids, youth or Adults

God used Esther, an ordinary orphan, to become a queen and hero for His people. God has a plan for each of us as we trust and follow Him each and every day. His ultimate plan is that we become His children - princes & princesses!

This free Bible study lesson takes a look at Andrew, the brother of Peter. We might consider him a "sidekick" or unsung hero, someone less important. We can learn so much from how God used him for huge purpose though, and He wants to do the same with us!

God the Potter and the clay object lesson used in the Bible is a beautiful illustration of His sovereignty in creating us for purpose. If you've ever wondered about your value or purpose in life, these Bible lessons can give you a glimpse into God's heart as our Creator.

Lessons From Life

"GodPrints Devotions" are basically short, precise Bible studies that inspire, encourage, and help us keep our focus on Jesus even when things get super busy!

We think of these as Godprints. because our fingerprints identify us, and God has placed His identifying marks all over our world and lives to point us to Him!

These become wonderful spontaneous moments in the midst of our busy day to refocus our attention on God's presence and purpose in our lives.

When life connects with God's Word, there is always a lesson! Similar to parables, these lessons teach spiritual principles from everyday life.

"Do You See What I See?" Bible lesson relates how a pair of glasses can demonstrate how the Holy Spirit can help us refocus and see life more clearly.

"God-Seekers" is a free Bible study lesson which uses sea shells to help us see how uniquely God has created us and how we are seeking Him in our everyday lives.

"Planning for 'I Do'" takes feelings of inadequacy when we are out of our comfort zone and encourages us to begin by attempting small.

More Bible lessons from life to help us connect God's Word with God's world.

Topical Lessons

Looking for free Bible study lessons on a specific topic?

Free Bible Study lessons - ebooks:

A wonderful friend of mine and a teacher/writer of Bible lessons for all ages for over 35 years, Jodi Green, asked me to make these free Bible study lessons available to our website users - YOU!

You may download, print and use all or part personally or with a group for FREE! Jodi kept all copyrights so that she may offer these at no charge; there is no price she would want to put on someone experiencing God's Word!

old testament 101

Old Testament 101 is a chronological study through the Old Testament with five daily Bible readings per week. This study is designed for anyone from middles school students to adults who wants to have a more comprehensive understanding of the Old Testament. Many people avoid the Old Testament, thinking it doesn't relate as well to us today. But without a good understanding of God's dealings in the Old Testament, it is impossible to completely understand the magnitude of God's message in the New Testament. We miss so much of the richness of God's grace by studying only the easy parts of His Word. This study is straightforward and takes the history sections in chronological order. There is great benefit in studying the Bible in an orderly way, as opposed to a random passage each day or even a needs-based study (for example, helping you through a particular situation). If you learn to study the Bible in a sequential way, you will eventually find what God's Word says about every conceivable human situation. So, grab your Bible and open your heart to the blessings you will receive from daily time in God's Word.

If you would prefer a hard copy, Jodi has published these through Amazon at Old Testament 101 and New Testament 101 for the minimum amount she could.

Proverbs for Teens

Jodi's most popular Bible Study ebook is Proverbs for Teens which is based upon curriculum she wrote and taught over the years. Proverbs for Teens is a 30 day daily devotion written specifically for students from middle school through college. The focus of the book is to guide students to read Proverbs every day in order to gain wisdom from God' Word.

Again, this book may also be purchased through Amazon.

Bible Lessons for Kids or Youth

Incredible Me!

These free Bible study lessons for kids were created and used for our CrossKids Camp 2015. These four lessons are based on Psalm 139:14 - "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" helping students understand that they matter to God! They can be incredible because of Jesus and for Jesus right here and right now!

Superhero Bible Lessons

These 7 FREE kids Bible lessons use the familiarity and fun of comic heroes along with truths from God's Word to help kids learn how they can stand firm and be a hero for God!

These are short concise Bible lessons for kids to do on their on or as a short Bible lesson for family worship, children's church, children's sermon, Awana counsel time, Upwards devotion, etc.

Most include links to longer more in depth kids Bible study lesson plans to use for classroom such as Sunday School or group lessons. I created them primarily for our Wednesday night Preteen group of 3rd-6th graders, but they could be adapted for any age including youth.

Armor of God Bible Lessons

These ten Bible lessons on the Armor of God were also created and used with our 3rd-6th grade children on Wednesday nights during the summer of 2016. These include printable Bible lesson plans and fun Bible activities and games that enhance each lesson. This would also be a great series for teens.

My Video Lessons on YouTube

With COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders, I began recording lessons for my Sunday School class. These are available throughout our site or on our YouTube Channel.

Here is one I did about having a quiet time with God through Bible study & prayer. they go together like peanut butter and jelly! :)